Monday 1 April 2013

Week 11

There was no tutorial for week 11, which meant no quiz. This was fantastic. Not that I hate the course, but it makes a week much easier when you don't have to wake up early for a class.

What we learnt this week had to do with networks and work. The history of the internet is fascinating because of the behemoth that it has become today. It's really something that you can now access in pretty much every corner of the world, and it has changed the way modern humans have lived their lives. In many ways, our lives have become easier as a result of the internet, but an argument could be made that our lives have become more complicated as a result.

When learning about work, it became important to compare life without computers and life with them. Similarly to the internet, the use of computers has expanded to the point that in almost any country, you will find that a lot of what is being used is operated by machines.

An assignment is due next week. So far, my group has been able to do about half of it. We're looking to get this done soon.

Monday 25 March 2013

Week 10

After last week's test (the results of which I were very satisfied with), the class went on to more about operating systems and more programming. I found the recursion that we were doing to be much easier thanwhat we were doing earlier.

I also finished my Wikipedia assignment. I had asked to only do two articles instead of the three that I had proposed. Once I started working on my first article, I realized that there was no way that I would be able to finish the three in 4 hours. The one article itself took around 3-4 hours, and I decided to do another one for fun. The one I had decided to omit was one where I was to lengthen a stub, which was about a musician. I was somewhat looking forward to this, as I do enjoy looking up new music, but I ended up doing that anyway. The assignment in general was enjoyable.


Monday 11 March 2013

Week 8

Little late with this one.

I got sick this week, so I'm staying in today to get rid of the sniffles. Slightly irritating, but whatever. Hopefully I get better eventually.

Last week, my group members and I finished the project that we were assigned. It was relatively simple, and we were able to get it done in two sessions, neither of them lasting very long. We also learned about hardware and operating systems, which was interesting to me.

It's the test this week. I didn't do too well on the last one, so I'm hoping I can do better on this one.


Friday 1 March 2013

Week 7

Wooh! I've missed the last few weeks. I'll try to recap all of those missed SLOGS right now.

The weather has been stupid. Reading week was fantastic. Life is cool.

We've been going over the binary bits of computer science over the last while. I was honestly slightly confused at first, but it all became clear once I re-read my notes and went over the slides. Professor Heap's slides are a godsend when I am troubled about the subject matter that we went over in class. It is fascinating that binary can be the key to so many things computer-related things. To think that a series of numbers can create so many things is mind-boggling and amazing.

In addition to binary, we also learned how images and sound happen in a computer.

We also had to submit part 2 of our Wikipedia assignment. I decided to edit (but really just proofread) two articles and expand on one article. The article that I chose to expand on is one about a musician named David Daniell. I did this because I enjoy music, and decided that this was a prime opportunity to get to know a musician that I had never heard of before. In addition, I have a penchant for (without sounding overly creepy, but I daresay that it's bound to happen) finding things out about people, which I know I will be able to do with this person.

As of now, I am bracing myself for a test that I must aggressively study for. I will update this SLOG later.


Thursday 31 January 2013

Week 4

The weather last week was hellish. This week was a little less hellish, but it was still pretty bad. Even worse when you have to trek from one end of the campus to the other when you have morning classes. I felt blessed to at least have my music, even if my ears felt like they were going to fall off. I was honestly afraid that my earlobe would get cut off somehow and I would be left with half an ear.

But ignoring the weather, the week was a glorious orgasm of goodness. Though I didn't enjoy the history that was covered, I do realize that it's good to know these things. The orgasmic part was more the programming. Professor Heap taught us how to "create our universe" in DrRacket, which ended up being nothing of the sort. But it was still satisfying to get into some slightly more complicated work.

I haven't yet done this stuff, though, so I may end up failing miserably and hiding in a corner, trying to learn it. Hopefully this doesn't happen.

The quizzes, in my opinion, have been a little bit simple. I feel as if I wouldn't have had to practice to have done well on those. Maybe the next ones will be a little bit more scary.


Wednesday 23 January 2013

Week 3

First blog post. Fantastic.

This was the first week where I encountered any sort of difficulty. Being a silly child, I squandered the time that I was given in class to practice the lolcatz code on DrRacket, which left me with a sheet of paper and a sense of confusion. So what did I do? First, I did nothing. I sat in my room watching a ton of Inside the Actor's Studio, which I had recently gotten obsessed with, and doing other course work, some of which I was quite behind on.

All in all, a bad way to start the term.

But it was okay. By asking my peers about this tiny problem I had, I was able to find a solution. In the end, I was able to make myself a solid code.

I've always liked computers, by the way. I think they're cool, and there are some aspects of them that I have grown familiar with throughout the years. The reason I took this course was to learn a little bit more about these great little machines and hopefully grow more acquainted with the aspects that I was a little less familiar about.
